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Pakistan Flood **UPDATE** (28/09/22)

The QQS team have now managed to source and supply temporary shelters to a number of those in need. This desperate need for cover, having lost everything is helping families to survive everyday. Families have been issued locally sourced shelters including floor mats to help keep them off the cold dirty grounds. Each shelter can provide enough space to sleep 5 or more. Along side all this effort the team continue to provide freshly prepared hot meals to the desperate families on a daily basis .


Delivering aid to those in need is proving difficult as desperation increases and aid coming in short amounts, communities are becoming divided. Outlaws are preventing aid reaching to its much needed destinations. The QQS team are working hard to ensure that this does not happen, often using the support of security teams to help deliver aid and protect the team. The team are being careful to ensure that families from the local area are benefiting from the aid and not those who aren't entitled. 


As time passes further despair across the region has now come to light. A fight for food and cover now has become a fight against disease. The inability to clean living and lack of clean water has now increased the risk of disease, which now is threatening to take further lives. Mosquitos, dirty water, poor sanitisation have collectively made the fight for life a further struggle. 


The team continue to speak to the locals who identify their needs. 

QQS needs your continued support and love for those in need. 

Please donate generously!

Please see the media below to see important updates from the QQS Team


Pakistan Flood **UPDATE** (20/09/22)

The QQS team have been working hard around the clock to help get aid to where it is needed the most. Stuggling families are in desperate need of aid in forms of food, shelter and medical equipment. As the water begins to subside the trauma the floods has left behind has really come to light. When speaking to locals asking them what they need most, they are unanimously requesting shelter. Although food is difficult to hard to come by, the reality of not having a shelter for the immediate future is becoming increasingly alarming. Families are sleeping under trees to attempt to gain some cover, others sleeping along the dangerous roadsides. It really is dishearting knowing that vulnreable members of the family, elderly, disabled and children are attempting to survive in such conditions. 


QQS's team is attempting to strike partnerships with local businesses to help create and provide temporary shelters for those in need. As the demand and lack of materials is at all time high, it is becoming more difficult to achieve as prices for equipment and material have increased by over 300%


QQS needs your support into providing temporary shelters for familys. Please, please, please spare a thought for those sleeping in the rough who have lost everything during these desperate times


Please donate generously to provide a veil and make a difference!


Pakistan Flood **UPDATE** (07/09/22)


 Over the last few days our volunteers have been distributing food packages in Fazalpur. This is one of the areas the flooding has affected the most. In order to deliver the food packages, our brave volunteers have had to use make-shift boats as the water levels have been dangerously high as bridges and roads have been destroyed. Our volunteers have been liaising with the local authorities as part of a coordinated emergency response. Thousands of homes have been destroyed and many people have been left displaced. QQS Global are now working to provide families with tents in order to provide shelter and protection. The circumstances in Pakistan are devastating and they need YOUR help! Please share and donate to this appeal and make a difference!


Pakistan Flood **UPDATE**

Our devout volunteers have been to Rajhanpur and have first hand witnessed the devastation the floods have caused. It is clear the aftermath of this tragedy will be far greater than first imagined. Our team took several means of transport to deliver aid to those in need, first by van and then even by boat to those who have been isolated by the floods. Ingredients were purchased and food was prepared remotely and then transported to desperate families in need of support. Our team has now begun to prepare small packs of food to distribute to impacted families. Our team of volunteers from Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab are traveling 3 hours to support those in desperation.

Your donations and love have already made a desperate impact on the families of Rajhanpur, we aim to continue support where possible.

Please take a few moments to witness the devastation below, we cannot even begin to empathise with its victims. 


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