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Emergency Pakistan Flood Appeal 2022

The Punjab district is under extreme flooding near the Indus River.


Thousands of families have already lost dear loved ones, as well as being displaced from their family homes which have been destroyed, possessions lost and has left families broken and in despair.


QQS Global needs your help, we are launching an Emergency Flood Appeal to provide relief and support where it is needed most. We have teamed up with entrusted colleagues who will be leading this operation on behalf of QQS Global. 


We aim to visit those in need by providing hot meals to as many families as possible and medical assistance to those who require it. We aim to cover Rajanpur and Rojhan.


As always QQS Global is counting on your support to reach out to those in need.


Please donate generously either via PayPal or Bank Transfer.


Donation details:Bank: HSBC BANK

Sort Code: 40-15-21

Account Number: 51655124



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